Welcome to our Trezee Food Ventures Pvt. Ltd.!
Door no: 137, Somu Chettiar Thottam, West Palladam, Palladam-641 664.

Our Wines

trezee red wine


After meticulous hand-picking our grapes, we use a de-stemmer to avoid the greenish aromas and water that the stems give off. Red grapes are delicately crushed and sent to the fermentation stainless steel tank without pressing. The juice is left in contact with its skins to garner colour, tannins and flavours. The juice produced thus goes through stabilisation, at a controlled temperature of 14ºC. After the maceration process, fermentation is begun using cultured yeast. Overpumping is used during fermentation in order to provide colour and structure.

Once fermentation has been completed, the wine is racked and a young wine is produced, which complies with the quality requirements for dealcoholisation, passes to the next phase. After racking the wine, the dealcoholisation process begins. Once it has been dealcoholised, the product undergoes a partial ageing process, during which 60% of the wine which is to be dealcoholised is placed in French Oak barrels. The wine remains in the barrels for 4 to 6 months and is subject to an ongoing stabilisation process to ensure that the dealcoholised wine does not deteriorate in the barrels, despite not containing any ethanol. This process provides structure in the mouth. Then, the final coupage is carried out between the young wines and the aged wines, to obtain a smooth and well-structured product which is ready to be bottled.

White: (upcoming)

While red wines are fermented with the skins and seeds of grapes, white wines are fermented using only clear grape juice.From our vineyards to our cellar, great importance is given to meticulous grape selection to ensure the use of the best-quality grapes. Our grapes are fully de-stemmed to avoid greenish aromas and to get only the best fruits. The best wine is thus provided to you.

The next step is pressing, where the juice is separated from the skins. In the case of white wine, grapes are pressed quickly in order to separate the juice from the skin, seeds and other solids. The juice produced then goes through stabilisation.

trezee white wine
trezee rose wine

RosE: (upcoming)

What makes rose wine different from red wine is the limited contact the juice has with the skins and seeds – as little as a few hours to day. When the juice reaches a bright light cherry or salmon colour it is removed from skin contact by using a basket  press. Rose winemaking is done by using exactly the same techniques as for a white wine. The juice is moved to stainless steel tanks for stabilisation. The next step is fermentation; yeasts are transforming the sugar naturally present into alcohol.

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