Welcome to our Trezee Food Ventures Pvt. Ltd.!
Door no: 137, Somu Chettiar Thottam, West Palladam, Palladam-641 664.

About Us

trezee grapes manufacture

Our Story

Lovely Relaxed Atmosphere of the Winery Gives You a Positive.
ceo of trezee food ventures
fssai license number

Mr. Bobby Balachandran is the CEO of Exterro, an organization of Unicorn status quo that aims to provide end-to-end legal GRC software to the business. 

TREZEE FOOD VENTURE PRIVATE LIMITED was founded by Mr Bobby Balachandran in 2019 with a vision to ensure that individuals of all economic spaces must experience and enjoy luxury foods and non-alcoholic beverages at an affordable cost. 

We stand apart from the others as our intention is to produce the best family-friendly, healthy and skin-nourishing wines for the youth and all age groups including the elderly. 

Wine is a luxury of our times, with its luscious taste and pleasantness it is one of the fine pleasures of life. At Trezee, we provide red wine, white wine and more variety of wines at low cost and best in quality which would rope anybody’s heart and make them crave for more. With the experience of more than 3 years in winemaking, we have a reputation for wine that oozes quality and in class. We are delighted to say that Trezee provides India’s No.1 non-alcoholic wine to people. 

Our motive is to create a culture in India that encourages celebrating festivals, parties, and gatherings with Indian wines on their dining.

How do we stand out?

Our top-notch grapes are grown and procured by southern farmers from the Cumbam Valley that is known for the best yield of nature for anywhere in Tamil Nadu. Our grapes are handpicked to be perfect for fermentation thus producing non-alcoholic wines. In addition to that, our manufacturing team is involved in detail-oriented approaches to ensure the delicious yet healthiest wines you can ever taste.

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